Different Models of Raspberry Pi
Why Raspberry Pi
Peripherals of Raspberry Pi.
Applications of Raspberry Pi.
Future of Micro Computing.
Different Models of Raspberry Pi
Why Raspberry Pi
Peripherals of Raspberry Pi.
Applications of Raspberry Pi.
Future of Micro Computing.
Setting up path
Working with Python
Basic Syntax
Variable and Data Types
If- else & Nested if-else
Nested loops
Continue Pass
Defining a function
Calling a function
Types of functions
Function Arguments
Anonymous functions
Global and local variables
Defining a function
Calling a function
Types of functions
Function Arguments
Anonymous functions
Global and local variables
Accessing Strings
Basic Operations
String slices
Function and Methods
Accessing tuples
Functions and Methods
Importing module
Math module
Random module
Packages & Composition
Opening and closing file
Reading and writing files
What is image?
Conversation of RGB into Gray scale
Conversation of Gray scale into Black white
Importing openCV
Interfacing Camera with Python
Face Detection Techniques – Haar cascade algorithm
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Get the dataset
Importing the libraries
Importing the dataset
Missing data
Splitting dataset into Training set and Test set
Feature scaling
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Support Vector Machines
Random Forest
Naïve Bayes Classification
Ordinary Least Square Regression
Ensemble Methods
Apriori Algorithm
Principal Component Analysis
Singular Value Decomposition
Reinforcement or Semi-Supervised Machine
Independent Component Analysis
Introduction to Deep Learning
Deep Learning Models
Additional Deep Learning Models
Deep Learning Platforms & Libraries
Introduction to Tensor Flow
Computational Graph
Key highlights
Creating a Graph
Regression example
Gradient Descent
Tensor Board
Sharing Variables
Artificial Neural Networks
Gradient Descent and Back propagation
Optimization and Regularization
Intro to Convolutional Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks
Gradient Descent and Back propagation
Optimization and Regularization
Intro to Convolutional Neural Networks
The others comfortable these days are all happy and free listen to a story now the world do not move to the beat of just one drum with end.
The others comfortable these days are all happy and free listen to a story