IEEE LabVIEW based projects for Mtech,Btech, BE, MS and diploma students in Trichy
LabVIEW Projects for Engineering Students
Due to their qualities like a tough design and precise control,
LabVIEW-based hardware components are currently widely employed in many
industries. These can communicate with one other via a variety of protocols,
including RS232, TCP/IP, RS485, etc. LabVIEW, or Laboratory Virtual
Instrument Engineering Workbench, is the term's abbreviation.
It is a software development environment that is used to create
unique applications for monitoring and controlling real-time data
in application areas like research and engineering. It is a virtual
instrument, as the name implies, and it may perform data analysis and
measurements for the user. Therefore, this serves as the primary
justification for its use across a wide range of applications and
IEEE LabVIEW Projects
- Induction Generator Optimized Operation for Small-scale Wind Power
- LabVIEW based Virtual Instrumentation System for Disabled People
- Detection of Fire in Forest with Solar-Power Zigbee Network
- Monitoring of Water Quality & Control System
- Recognition of Optical Character based on LabVIEW & Speech Synthesis System
- Monitoring System of Human Body using Web-Server & LabVIEW
- Foot Ulceration Screening in Diabetic Patients with Flexi Force Sensor
- BLDC Motor Torque Control with Fuzzy Logic
- LabVIEW & DAQ based PV Solar Cell Real-Time Data Monitoring
- LabVIEW based Home Automation System
- Fitness Analyzer & Human Power Generator using LabVIEW
- Implementation of Stepper Motor Controller on FPGA using GUI in LabVIEW
- Encryption of Text File with FFT Method in LabVIEW
- Controlling of Walking Simulator in Omnidirectional
- Power Analyzer using A LabVIEW
- Dangerous Gas Checking with VI Server
- Automation of Driving License Test with LabVIEW
- Humidity Monitoring of Soil with LabVIEW
- LabVIEW based Automotive Safety & Security
- GSM & LabView based Pollution Monitoring in Industries
- LabVIEW & DAQ based Monitoring and Parameter Calculation of 3-Phase AC Motor
- LabVIEW based Medical Aid System
- Railroad Track Visual Detection/Inspection
- LabVIEW based Fault Locating & Monitoring within Distribution Lines
- LabVIEW & RFID based Traffic System Control using Ambulance
- Energy Monitoring System based on Zigbee & GSM for E-Billing
- Accident Avoidance System using LabVIEW in Underground Collieries
- LabVIEW based Mobility Wheelchair
- LabVIEW based Multi-Level Automobile Parking
- Rescue Operation using Automate Machine for Child
- LabVIEW & RFID Automatic Identification & Database Management System
- Voice Control and Wireless EMG System Development
- LabVIEW based Inverter Fed Motor Simulation
- MEMS Digital Accelerometer for Monitoring of Vibration
- Attendance System based on Fingerprint using LabVIEW
- Designing of Quadcopter Controller using LabVIEW & Image Processing